Those driving and trekking into this Northern Arizona area must be aware it isn’t always a blazing hot desert. There are times that the night time temps drop below 20°F.

While the extremes are not ordinary. You must realize it can happen. You need to be prepared!

The elevation of the trailhead parking area and the drive in on IR#18. The Grand Canyon Caverns Campground and even Peach Spring & Seligman Arizona, are higher than the village of Supai, AZ.

February 2019 saw unusually cold and snowy conditions. Breaking weather records and closing not only 2 lane roads, but some of the Interstate Highways in the general area.

Those hardy souls that managed to get through and make the trip regardless of the weather. Were blessed with some unusual beauty many of us may never get to see in real life.

We thought it appropriate to share some of the images we are being sent. Awesome!!!! If you have images you wish to share please email us. Include a statement you own the image(s), they are not copyright, and we (TOPONAUTIC) have permission to use them in our media. Thank You in advance!!!!

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RT 66 & IR#18 Turn-off to Trail Head – February 22, 2019 at 11:00am Image Courtesy: AnitaG12
IR#18 February 2019 Image Courtesy of: Shelley Bulloch
Hilltop Parking Lot Snow February 20, 2019 Image courtesy of: PositiveTrimClothing
Hilltop Parking Trail Head – February 2019 Image Courtesy of: WISPP
Switchback Snow – February 19, 2019 Image courtesy of: Bonnie Bulliard
If you have done the Switchbacks you know where this is! February 2019 Image Courtesy of: WISPP
