This page is for the campground info only. It does not include info for the Lodge. For additional information concerning the Lodge follow Link to Lodge Information.
Google Aerial Image of the Supai Campground Area
Opening Day Feb 1st is when campground reservations for the entire years season (February through November) go on sale.
The campground is a “camp wherever you want” situation. It is located between Havasu Falls and Mooney Falls. Those two waterfalls are approximately 1 mile apart.
That makes the campground somewhat less than 1 mile long.
In some area’s of the campground, there are places on both sides of Havasu Creek. It is located between Havasu Falls and Mooney Falls in the narrow canyon of Havasu Creek.
The “experienced/wise” camper will set up on the “trail side” of the stream. On high ground rather than at stream side. Also insuring there are no large dead tree branches above. This all has to do with safety. Flash Floods, and wind.
Campfires, Alcohol, Drugs, Drones, and Firearms, are prohibited.
It is an additional 2-3 miles beyond the Village to the campground area.
For more details concerning the campgrounds see:
The Spring for Drinking Water
Composting Toilets
Pack Animal Gear Drop
The Link at the top of the page to a Google Earth. Shows an image of the Supai campground area. Which is roughly from the base of Havasu Falls (about 1/4 mile NW of the base), along both sides of the stream, to the area just above Mooney Falls. There is no camping in the immediate area of Havasu Falls. The campground starts somewhat downstream of Havasu Falls. At the bottom of a long steep grade. Through a fence at a location that some refer to as the rangers building.